Earn online money with affiliate marketing


Experts and people who have been in this business of earn online money know that maximum profits can be generated from affiliate marketing and not PPC ads. In the following two posts I will explain about affiliate marketing and share a few tips I am aware of to make the most from affiliate marketing.

The Concept – You have a website or a web page. A person visits your website and sees a nice banner or a link which talks about a product. The person clicks the banner or the link and lands to the advertizers website. The person purchases a product online on the advertizers website and you get some commision out of it.

Looking at the concept it looks very easy and I would say it is but it involves lot of research, time and patience to make money from affiliate sales.

Whats so tough about it? – The 3 toughest things to achieve in affiliate marketing are:

1. Letting the visitor to know about your website – How will a person know that you exist and are selling some product (This can be yours or your advertizer’s product)

2. Making the right buyers visit your site â€“ The visitor might be looking to buy a Striped Shirt online and you are selling Striped Pants. We need to ensure that we target the right visitors so that they can come and get what they are looking for.

3. Knowing what people are looking for – Do you know what people are looking for? It might be cold winter in Australia and you assume that people all over the world would be planning to buy hot clothes. But is that correct?  

If you feel that you can easily achieve these 3 things then you can easily be rich in few days. In my next post, I will talk about my ways of achieving these to earn online money.


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